Book a Trip
You can use the calendar below to see what Creature’s current schedule looks like. You can also book a trip for yourself by clicking on any available date and inserting your own information. Please note that Creature reviews all charter trip requests before they are approved, and you’ll receive a separate email letting you know once your trip has been approved.
If you have any special accommodations or billing requirements, please get in touch directly using either of the methods at the top left of the website.
If you’ve already booked a trip and you would like to see details about it or make changes, you can do so from your account page.
Full day trips cost $2,300. You can pay with a check, money order or with a credit card. You may also choose to pay a $500 deposit at time of booking and pay the remaining cost during your trip. Dates in red have already been booked by another customer. Please Note: Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
All trips are completely exclusive to you and your party. We never double book.